Samurai Visual Series #2

Samurai Visual Series #2

Here is Samurai Visual Series SVS#2 on scheduling, a topic which is central to portfolio and project management and a key ingredient to success. SVS#2 illustrates the chances of success against scheduling obstacles and challenges for: Microsoft Project professional...
Samurai Visual Series #1

Samurai Visual Series #1

Pleased to launch our Samurai Visual Series that paint pictures on key industry topics. Visuals are fun and can improve retention rates by 400%. SAIBI-SVS-01 Excel & Power BI, a topic which is central to data management, analysis of data, creation of visuals,...
IATC Industry Partners

IATC Industry Partners

We are pleased and privileged to join the Institute of Applied Technology Industry Partners and look forward to value adding along with the other great partners. We are thankful to the amazing IATC team. We are inspired by their passion for driving valuable...